Korea Travelogue: Day 2 BTS Concert Epilogue
So we had planned to go for BTS' concert in Seoul that day. Here's the thing - the concert was a last minute change to our itinerary and it coincided with our stay in Songdo but since the girls really wanted to go for the concert we made sure each of us managed to secure a ticket before scrapping our plans for Day 2 in Songdo. By the way, we were all seated away from each other because the system only allows 1 ticket per transaction during pre-booking for official fan club members. Oh and we planned to wear this BTS shirt because we thought many people will do so at the concert but nope, everyone wore normal clothes and we were the only ones standing out by declaring we are ARMYs HAHAHAH! Somehow the practice to wear idol related clothings only applies to SEA countries I feel.
Alright so after 2.5 hours via subway, we finally made it to Olympic Park! So. many. people OMG! And their fan support is really (Y)(Y)
Headed straight to the merchandise stand to purchase the merchandise we wanted and after that we had to collect our tickets at the Interpark tentage beside it.
Had to go to another place to find a restaurant to tabao food because the stores at Olympic Park had snaking long queues. My suggestion is that you either prepare food ahead of the concert or do what we did i.e. allocate enough time to go elsewhere less crowded to buy food. Also, the toilet queues were so darn long! Please relieve yourself elsewhere before coming to the venue.
Concert started on the dot. The atmosphere was so amazing because Korean fans are so passionate! They knew every single fan chant and it was so loud and in sync. Dunno what sorcery also lol. Oh and we are not allowed to take any videos and pictures at all during the concert, even with a mobile phone camera it is forbidden. The organisers are very strict about this and I've seen the staff shouting at people to not take pictures and stomp up to them to delete the pictures on the spot. I only managed to take the above pictures stealthily using my iPhone 6 so I was very lucky not to get caught! Do this at your own risk really because they may get you to leave the concert hall if you don't cooperate by deleting the pictures.
Anyway we made it back to Songdo way past dinner time after the concert because we had to drop by the bus terminal in Incheon to purchase the tickets to Jeonju. Please be a little kiasu and buy the bus tickets before your actual departure if possible because you never know if the buses are full due to whatever festive holiday or whatever. Tabao-ed Kyochon Chicken and bought some cup noodles back to our hotel before turning it for the night! The next day we managed to complete all the activities in Songdo as planned before heading off to Jeonju so stayed tuned for that :D